Construction of Right-of-Way Green infrastructure in the Flushing Creek CSO Tributary Area Tl-010, Queens

Purpose of the project is to implement different elements of green infrastructure in the borough of Flushing Queens, project included  installation of  bio-swells of type I, II & III Bio-swells dimensions varied from 10 Ft  x 5 Ft to 20 Ft x 6 Ft. Three sided “U” shaped metal Fence guards were installed on the locations of the bio- Swells as per NYCDEP standard specs. Project also included installation of Infiltration Catch basins on various locations. Project included installation of new sidewalks adjacent to the location of bio-swells complete roadway resurfacing. JED monitored the installations of all the previous elements mentioned as per NYCDDC & NYCDEP specifications.

Contract Cost: $15M

Status: Ongoing