MED598B As-Built Survey West 30th Street and 10th Avenue, Manhattan, NY

JED Engineering & Land Surveying provided Topographic, Utility and Control Survey services for the preparation of As-Built maps in the area of West 30th Street, Manhattan. The project was for the upgrade of the sewer system.

Scope of Work

The items surveyed are as follows:

  • 4’0 x 6’6” FTRC Sewer on West 30th Street between Chamber 1 (11th Avenue intersection) and Chamber 2 (10th Avenue intersection)
  • 6’0 x 7’0” FTRC Sewer on West 30th Street between Chamber 2 (10th Avenue intersection) and Chamber 4 (Mid-block between 9th and 10th Avenues)
  • 48” RCP Sewer on 10th Avenue between Chamber 2 (West 30th Street intersection) and New MH North of West 31st Street intersection
  • 48” RCP Sewer on West 31st Street between new 10’0” MH (10th Avenue intersection) and replaced MH East of 10th Avenue intersection

JED Engineering performed the following:


  • Recover the survey control used to construct the items (sites) listed.
  • Perform field checks to verify control data.
  • Record baseline-ties with photo documentation.


  • Job orientation/walk-through with the Resident Engineer.
  • Collect topographic data at the sites:
    • Establish stationing and perform cross-sections on roadway (curb to curb).
    • Locate utility hardware
    • Perform Invert Survey of the Sewer/Storm structures.


  • Survey notes and data files in RAW and CSV formats were submitted to client.

Construction Cost: $40M

 Status: Completed 2018