Resident Engineering Inspection Services for the Reconstruction of Albert Road Area, Borough of Queens

JED Engineering has been retained as a sub consultant to provide resident engineering inspection for this major infrastructure project. The project involves major subsurface work including the installation of   approximately 15,200 linear feet of 8, 12 and 20 inch diameter distribution water mains with appurtenances, the construction of   approximately 9,900 linear feet of  15, 24, 30, 36,48 and 60 inch diameter RCP and ESVP  combined sewers with appurtenant manholes and chambers, and the installation of catch basins. The project features the complete reconstruction of roadways in the area bounded by Linden Boulevard to the north, Cross Bay Boulevard to the west, South Conduit Avenue to the south and Hawtree Street to the east. Also included are the construction of bio-swales on the east side of Hawtree Street between Bristol Ave. and 99th Place. The project also includes other incidental works such new FDNY alarms, traffic signals, street lighting, signage and landscaping.

Construction Cost: $41.5 M

Status: Ongoing